Terms and conditions of use

* 1. Domain Ownership www.comgas.es
* 2. Purpose and scope.
* 3. Information provided on the web.
* 4. Intellectual property.
* 5. Responsibility Comgas.es
* 6. Obligations to customers and users.
* 7. Privacy and data protection.
* 8. Cookies.
* 9. Shipping.
* 10. Placing an order.
* 11. Availability of the products.
* 12. Modes and Speeds.
* 13. Payment.
* 14. Product warranty.

1. Domain Ownership www.comgas.es

In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that the ownership of the domain of  www.comgas.es corresponds to COMGAS, SA, legally incorporated in Spain with CIF A-58014663 and registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, ​​Tomo 6392, Libro 5678, Section 2 º. Folio 067, Hoja 75515, Inscripción 1 º (hereinafter Comgas)

For any questions, you can contact with us by e-mail  info@comgas.es or phone 937547910 from 09:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.

2. Purpose and scope.

These general conditions of recruitment and use, are intended to regulate the availability of the information provided in the online store Comgas.es and business transactions that may arise between Comgas.es domain users and www.comgas.es . Whether browsing the online shop as the purchase of any products offered on it, suppose the user acceptance without reservations of any kind, each and every one of these general terms and conditions and use. Comgas.es may at any time and without notice, amend these general terms and conditions and use, as well as the conditions that, if any, are included, by posting such changes on the shop so that may be familiar to users, and a record of the date of such modifications.

3. Information provided on the Web www.comgas.es

We make every effort to provide the information contained on the website as truthfully and without typos. In the case that at some point there any error of this type, at all times outside the will of www.comgas.es, there would be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in one of the displayed prices and a customer has made a purchase decision based on that error, we will communicate that error and the customer is entitled to cancel the purchase without any cost on your part. Similarly, it is possible that the contents of the websites can show sometimes provisional information on some products.

Comgas.es is not responsible directly or indirectly from any of the information, content, statements and expressions contained in the products sold on the web. This responsibility falls to the publishers or distributors of these products. All contractual information are present in www.comgas.es in Spanish (Castilian), and communication with customers and users as well as the formalization of the contract will be in that language.

4. Intellectual property.

All content in the shop, and especially designs, text, graphics, logos, button icons and software, trade names, trademarks or industrial designs and any other signs of industrial and commercial use are subject to rights intellectual property and industrial Comgas.es or third party owners who have authorized their inclusion on the web. Under no circumstances shall any license granted or waiver, transfer, transfer all or part of such rights or confer any right or expectation of rights, in particular, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication these contents without the express permission of Comgas.es or the relevant owners.

It is forbidden the introduction of hyperlinks to web pages for commercial purposes outside Comgas.es that allow access to our site without prior consent. In any case, the existence of hyperlinks on Web sites outside of us, not in any case the existence of commercial or trading relationships with the owner of the website where the hyperlink, or the acceptance of Comgas.es its contents or services.

5. Responsibility Comgas.es

The products presented on the web are in accordance with Spanish law. Comgas.es Responsibility can not be held for products not conforming to the laws of the countries that have been sent according to the request. It is therefore up to customers outside of Spain to verify the possibility of importing or using products that you request.

The user assumes all liability for the use of our website, and are solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the resulting website, including, but not limited to, all economic, technical and / or legal adversity, and the fulfillment of expectations generated by our website, forcing the user to hold harmless Comgas.es for any claims arising directly or indirectly from such acts.

Comgas.es not responsible for any damages that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, faults and / or disconnections in the operation of the system or on appliances and computer users, motivated by Comgas.es fault, preventing or delaying the provision of services or Web browsing, or delays or blockages in the use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems, or the inability to providing the service or allow access for reasons not attributable to Comgas.es, due to the user, third parties or force majeure. Comgas.es not control, generally, the use made by users of the website. In particular Comgas.es not guaranteed and end users to use the website in accordance with the law, these Terms, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor do so in a diligent and prudent.

6. Obligations to customers and users.

In general the user agrees to comply with these conditions and to meet the special warnings or instructions contained therein or on the web and always act according to law, morality and the demands of good faith, using due diligence, and not using the website in any way that may impede, impair or damage the normal functioning, property or rights Comgas.es, suppliers, other users or the general any third party. It is prohibited to access and use the portal to minors without the consent of their parents, Comgas.es not responsible for the accuracy of the data filled by the user and therefore can not verify the age of the same .

Specifically, and without implying any restriction on the previous section when using the web www.comgas.es the user agrees:
a) Provide accurate information about the requested data in the user registration form or placing an order, and keep them updated.
b) Not enter, store or transmit to or from the website, any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, racist, incite to violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or in any manner prejudicial to morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or image of others and general regulations.
c) Do not enter, store or transmit through the store any programs, data, viruses, code, or any other electronic or physical device that is capable of causing damage to the website, any services, or any equipment, Comgas.es systems or networks, any other user, Comgas.es providers or in general any third party.
d) Save diligently "username" and "password" that is provided by Comgas.es, assuming responsibility for damages arising from misuse of them.
e) make advertising or commercial exploitation through the web, and not use the contents and information thereof to send advertising, or send messages with any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
f) Do not use false identities or impersonate others in the use of the website or the use of any of its services, including the use of passwords or access codes to third parties or otherwise

g) Not to destroy, alter, use for use, misuse or damage data, information, software or electronic documents Comgas.es, its suppliers or third parties.
h) Not enter, store or transmit through the store any content that infringes intellectual property rights, industrial or business secrets of others, or in general any content that does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make available to third.

The client undertakes to enable the delivery of the requested order to facilitate a delivery address where it can be delivered the order requested within the usual time of delivery of goods. Should the customer breach of this obligation Comgas.es have no responsibility for the delay or inability to deliver the order requested by the customer.

7. Privacy and data protection.

For the purposes of the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and on the RD 1720/2007 of 21 December, approving the regulations developed by the LO 15/1999, Comgas.es informs you of the existence of a file of personal data created by and under the responsibility of Comgas.es with data obtained on the web www.comgas.es. The purpose of this file is to manage your contract with us as well as carrying out promotional and advertising activities themselves or others by any means, including the sending of commercial messages via SMS, email, and mail and so on. That might be of interest from the study and segmentation of data collected while browsing the web, the data provided by filling in any form, including those arising from the business relationship or delivery of products purchased. If you do not want to receive advertising, just log into your account and disable the sending of newsletters and information.

In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, customers and users www.comgas.es may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their personal data by writing to: Comgas SA Customer Service Department, C / Camí del Mig s / n 08330 Premia de Mar (Barcelona) or by sending an email to the address info@comgas.es, which indicate the name, user and email with which you signed up, enclosing a photocopy of both the user ID. In the event that the information supplied is associated with a purchase, the Spanish legislation obliges us to maintain at least six years so it can not be deleted or corrected if the customer requests it.

Comgas.es engages in the use of the data included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and use in accordance with the purpose of the file, and to comply with its obligation to keep it and adopt all measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999 of July 11.

8. Cookies.

Please note also that to improve your browsing experience, manage the contents of your cart, offer you our personalized advice, and inform you of our offers for online customers or partners, our website uses cookies implementation of devices and IP storage. The cookie is a file deposited on your computer, and whose sole purpose is to simplify your navigation www.comgas.es (this cookie can not contain viruses or be executed because a file is not active). The cookie can only be read by Comgas.es and for you, and you can delete it if you wish, by accessing the options of your browser.

9. Shipping.

For exports, our conditions are always ex-works.  Please, contact with our sales department for more information.

10. Placing an order.

To order you must contact us through the following means:

Tel 0034 93 754 79 10

Fax. 0034 93 754 79 12

E-mail. info@comgas.es

11. Availability of the products.

The selection of products offered in www.comgas.es is valid as long as the products are visible on the web. If the goods are in stock, the period is approximately 1 to 4 days. If instead we do not have stock we will inform you of estimating a delivery time. To these we must add the deadlines that may have transport operators we work with.
These terms are computed on weekdays, Monday through Friday, as Comgas.es not make expeditions holidays, Saturdays or Sundays. Delivery times are approximated. In the event that there is any stock or unavailable breaking point of an article comgas.es will contact you to communicate it immediately and give you a new deadline or if it was not possible to serve the product, proceed to its cancellation. In any case, a delay in delivery at the periods indicated shall not entitle the customer to demand compensation.

12. Modes and delivery time.

Products are shipped to the shipping address you provided us in the order.

Our delivery time will be inform in the moment of the order.

13. Payment

Comgas.es offers you various payment methods.

Please, contact with sales department for more information.

14. Product warranty.

The warranty period is two years, although it does not include defects caused by neglect, beatings, misuse or tampering, improper installation, etc., or materials that are worn by use. During the second year, Comgas.es reserves the right to request an official service mark, a verification of origin of the problem. Should be a defect caused by misuse, repair will be billed. In those incidents that justify the use of the warranty will opt for repair, replacement of the article or rebates, in the terms established by law.
Comgas exchange or return if:

a) give notice of our Customer Service: This step is essential whatever the reason for the return. You can do so by sending an email to info@comgas.es or by telephone at 937547910. We will tell you how you can act to return the item. Our phone hours are 9:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.

b) The article to be returned must be properly packaged for return and the packaging must be in perfect condition and keep all accessories and instructions to be returned home.